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Prof. Gabrić received lifetime achievement award

Prof. Gabrić received lifetime achievement award
The Croatian Association of Managers and Entrepreneurs CROMA presents prestigious awards to Croatian entrepreneurs.
Zagreb 23.12.2018. - Croatian Association of Managers and Entrepreneurs during the celebratory-award prizes night at the Westin hotel gave awards for the ‘Manager of the Year’ and chosen fifteen top performers in nine categories.
Prof. dr. sc. Nikica Gabrić, director and founder of the Ophthalmology Eye Clinic Svjetlost, was awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for entrepreneurs who have achieved outstanding business results in the continuity of their career and at the same time contributed greatly to the construction and strengthening of entrepreneurship in Croatia.
"Entrepreneurs are rare beings, they are people who believe in the future, and when you trust the future, then you have the strength to take credit in a bank, build a building, fill it with people, equipment, make monthly payments to the bank, employees and perhaps only after 20 years you can have first profit. " Professor Gabric began his speech, adding: "What entrepreneurs are devoted is to carry a child in themselves, and all those who imprisoned a child in themselves have in fact turned into conformists. Young children are full of energy, curiosity, experimentation and that is what entrepreneurs carry in them. "
He also stressed the importance of partnership: "It is necessary to understand that a man cannot do anything alone. I did not make this success for which you are rewarding me today by myself, that can only be achieved in the community, with the conscience and in harmony with other people, by accepting those with whom you sometimes disagree, but need. The partnership is a key in life, and partnership means that you are united with the ones different from yourself, therefore, you must respect, tolerate, be grateful for what they have contributed and this leads to a true partnership. I'm talking about respect, tolerance, gratitude, being a non-material category of human character, and then afterward contribution follows. "
Professor Gabrić concluded his speech with the following: "Entrepreneurs are people who can turn thoughts into action. It is part of God's creativity we all carry in ourselves. Thoughts produce desire, desire turns into goals and to make goals a reality we need plan and action. Action forms our work, repeating work creates a habit, and habit forms our character. People who have the character, have the future, and Croatia has to build the character of a good entrepreneur who believes in this country and who believes in future and in our children. "

Other winners include Bernarda Cecelja (Bernarda), Josip Faletar (DI Spačva), Željko Mandarić (Manšped), Danijel Zadjelović (Lipik Glas), Mato Vladić (Decospan Mato Furnir), Denis Sušac (Mono), Miroslav Petek (Elektrocentar Petek), Mate Botica (Emitters and Relays), Lovorko Grzžac (Eko-Murvice), Boris Antolovič (Petrol), Mladenka Grgić (Concert Agram), Markica Stanušić (Ancona Group), Franjo Toljanić (PZ Gospoja) and Mario Kralj (Hangar 18). Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić and former President of the Republic of Croatia Ivo Josipović attended the ceremony.
Manager of The Year is the award by CROMA since 1992.
Croatian Managers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Association was founded in 1990 as a voluntary organization with program philosophy and social status determined by independence, non-political and non-governmental character, non-profit activity, interest, and professional solidarity. The members of the association are chief managers, chairman, and members of management of the companies, managers of certain business functions, commercial executives in the chamber system and other economic associations and institutions and directors/owners of companies.